Candidate Ownership

All candidates you add into Relode are yours exclusively on a job-specific basis.

You can easily track all of your candidates in one place and never worry about losing ownership of them again.

Once you've added a new lead to Relode, you will have job-specific ownership of them for any roles you attach them to. More than one recruiter can work with the same candidate on different jobs without being blocked as a duplicate. You can now refer a candidate to any jobs you believe they're qualified for, as long as they have not been submitted to the role already by another recruiter. 

*Per the Relode Community Guidelines - we require recruiters to speak with each candidate prior to referral, in order to screen them for job qualifications to make sure they agree to be represented by you.

Please ensure you have the candidate’s mobile phone number and an updated email address. Relode is not able to accept international or land-lines for candidates at this time. Any candidates that are input under false contact information will cause the Relode recruiter to be suspended from the platform indefinitely.

If you have questions about ownership, please email our support team at